External Project Evaluation
Aceh Development Fund ( ADF), a local based NGO, together with its consortium (Engineering Faculty of UNSYIAH, BIMA and Yayasan An-Nisaa’ Centre) is implementing A Green Engineering Approach to Improving Fish Processing Industry/TERAPAN (Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan untuk Industri Proses Perikanan) Sub-Project in Pidie Jaya and Bireuen Districts from 11 October 2010 until 31 March 2012, under AEDFF project funded by the Multi Donor Fund.
ADF is now recruiting the following position:
External Project Evaluation
(2 person)
Job description and qualification for the above position can be downloaded at here.
Please send your recent CV, and application specifying which position you are applying for and briefly explaining how your experiences is relevant to this position to: hrd@adfaceh.org
Deadline for applications: 16 January 2012, 16.00 WIB.
Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Vacancy at Aceh Development Fund (ADF)

Judul : Vacancy at Aceh Development Fund (ADF)
Rating : 4.7 99% reviews
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Rating : 4.7 99% reviews
Ditulis Oleh Lowongan Kerja 2013 Semoga Informasi Vacancy at Aceh Development Fund (ADF) Bisa Membantu
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