PT Boma Bisma Indra has come through out struggle and strives of journey as the pioneer in Indonesian industry and sugar cane plantations.Began in the minddle of 19th century, the Dutch Colonial Government had founded the three Dutch Companies i.e. NV - De Bromo, NV - De Industrie and NV - De Vulkan. In 1958, the Indonesian goverment took over those three companies and named them as PN Boma, PN Indra, PN Bisma. On August 30, 1971 those three companies were merge into PT Boma Bisma Indra (BBI).
State-owned company engaged in manufacturing Pressure Vessel, Heat Exchanger, Condenser, Piping, Structure formation requires immediate power to:
- Sales Engineer (SE): 4 Persons
- Fabrication Engineer (FE): 1 person
- Manufacturing Engineer (ME): 1 person
1. Male / Female
2. Maximum age 30 years
3. D3 / S1 Mechanical Engineering Minimum GPA 2.90
4. Fluent in English both spoken & written
5. Able to operate computer
6. Able to communicate, work hard and groups, conscientious, honest
Cover letter can be sent via E-mail: or courier to the PT. Boma Bisma Indra (Persero), Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 18 Pasuruan 67122 Jawa Timur Up. Kepala Perwakilan SDM Pasuruan no later than 11 April 2012 postmark.
Lowongan BUMN Boma Bisma Indra (Persero)

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