PT. Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (ASEI) Persero founded by Government of Indonesia in 1985 with main business in insurance and guarantees to support non-oil and gas export development. As for Credit Insurance / Guarantees facility for the bank to support increasing credit / loan to real sector including the exporters. Along with the changes in business climate that highly competitive, ASEI continues to diversify and modify the products within the class of business of Export Credit Insurance, Credit Insurance/Guarantees, and General Insurance in order to support clients' business.
Sekretaris Direksi (Kode jabatan : Sekdir)
- Wanita
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Pendidikan minimal Diploma (diutamakan Kesekretariatan / fresh graduate)
- IPK minimal 2,75
- Usia maksimal 28 tahun (diutamakan belum menikah)
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif secara lisan dan tulisan
- Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun di posisi yang sama
- Mampu mengelola waktu dengan baik dan matang
- Khusus rekruitment ini, kirim melalui email ke bagian Sekretariat & Humas Asuransi ASEI : Maksimal 200 Kb. --- Update Lowongan Kerja BUMN : Monday, June 11, 2012
Lowongan Kerja BUMN ASEI (Persero)

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