PT Bredero Shaw Indonesia, a multinational organization servicing the oil & gas pipeline industry worldwide; and have been operating in Indonesia for more than 20 years. We would like to invite highly motivated and competent personnel to join the team. The following positions are based in Batam.
- Memiliki SIO dan SIM A yang masih berlaku
2. LOADER OPERATOR (14 orang)
- Memiliki SIO yang masih berlaku
3. CRANE OPERATOR (6 orang)
- Memibiki SIO yang masih berlaku
4. TRAILER DRIVER (16 wang)
- Memiliki SIM B2 Umum yang masih berlaku
• Pendidikan SLTA/sederajat
• Memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang yang sama
Kirimkanlamaran anda ke:
HR Department
PT Bredero Shaw Indonesia
Jalan Hang Kesturi 1 Kav 3A1, Kawasan industri Terpadu Kabil
Batam - 29467 --- Update Lowongan Kerja Terbaru | Minyak dan Gas : Sunday, June 10, 2012
Lowongan Kerja Bredero Shaw Indonesia

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Rating : 4.7 99% reviews
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